Wednesday, May 23, 2007

It's the oil of bergamot that makes it great

A few years ago -- 2004, 2005, I don't recall -- my folks gave me a 200-count canister of Earl Grey teabags for Christmas, Twinings brand. Wonderful stuff; I drink coffee a few times a week, usually because Val is having a cuppa, but I generally prefer tea, and in the world of tea Earl Grey is my favorite. And, yes, central Texas winters are cold enough to enjoy a good, hot cup more than once a day. When the weather turns warm, I don't drink it nearly so often. So that canister has lasted me a good, long time.

I woke with a rough throat this morning, and decided that a cup of hot tea would be just the thing. And realized that, at last, I was down to my last bag of Earl Grey from that huge canister. I wasn't particularly wistful or longing about it, so I set up the kettle and my mug and waited for the whistle.

I set myself up with my tea, and the kids awoke, and I managed to drink about half of it while getting everything ready to take them to school. Got back, noticed the mug, and took it to the kitchen and dumped it.

Other than books, gifts rarely last so long. I can't say I miss my huge canister of tea -- the can itself was recycled months ago as the supply dwindled -- but it was good gift, and I enjoyed it plenty. Thanks, Mom & Dad.

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