Thursday, February 28, 2008

A different kind of three

Today, for the first time I can recall in Austin, I paid over $3.00 for a gallon of gas. I knew it was coming for a while now -- but stations had still held out at $2.99 for quite some time (as peak; sometimes it dropped lower), which clearly was for psychological reasons. People just hate seeing that next dollar mark breached. Well, there it goes.

Economic policies of the current administration are proven failures, unless you're already stinking rich. So, stop voting for such meretricious pieces of filth. Especially when they're from Texas.


Matt said...

Count yourselves lucky. $3 is nothing compared to what we pay in Europe. The price at my local station is currently £1.04p/litre, or £5.20 a gallon, which by the exchange rate today is $10.48 a gallon.

Steven R. Staton said...

This weekend in McKinney, TX, diesel hit $3.999/gal. That's 1/1000th of a dollar shy of $4/gal. for the smellier stuff. $4 gas is coming, and soon.

Anonymous said...

If the Demonrats would STOP every attempt by this president you hate so much to drill on American soil, we wouldn't have these problems.

But that would be too easy a solution, and the Demonrats hate this country so much that they can't have any nice, simple solutions that would help the American people if it might make President Bush look even a little good.

It's a too edged sword ass-wipe. But I guess you live in Austin (Berkely on the Colorado River) so you wouldn't have clue about reason or logic!!!!!

Chipmaker said...

...and thus we elevate the dialogue once again.