Thursday, June 19, 2008

Summer movie reviews #5 -- The Incredible Hulk

Marvel is on a roll, and it looks like they know it.

Their newest release, The Incredible Hulk, is a treat. This is the Hulk movie we didn't get in 2003, and what the 1970s television series never could feasibly deliver.

This time, Hulk SMASHES!!! As he should.

It cribs some concepts from the TV series -- Banner's gamma overdose happens in the lab, not a bomb test site -- but stays faithful to the original comics. Poor Bruce is always on the run, trying to figure out a way to cure himself from his condition, loving and missing his brilliant girlfriend, whose tunnel-vision general father will stop at nothing to capture Banner and learn how to weaponize the Hulk effect.

Hulk smashes things. And unlike the TV series or the previous movie, in this one he does talk, just a little, much like he did (of necessity) in the comics.

General Ross authorizes another gamma treatment on a gung-ho career soldier who wants to go head-to-head with Hulk, and so we get a full-blown slugfest that wrecks uptown Manhattan. (In the old comics, New York always got all the abuse from hero-villain fights. Always. Now, this made some practical sense, because Marvel's offices were and are in New York, so the writers and artists liked blowing up the ol' hometown. But geez, why would anyone keep living there? Property values can be trashed with a single ray beam or missed super-punch. Marvel's New York was easily the world's most dangerous city.)

A closing cameo by Tony Stark hints at the next Marvel movie, and judging by recent efforts, it should be a rocking blast.

Three stars of five. Great summertime, popcorn-class, beat-em-up, knock-down, drag-out movie.

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