Monday, March 23, 2009

Curses upon all PC technology

I'm not entirely sure how I did it, and it was far from trivial, but my primary PC box is alive again, booting to real Windows 2000. The working environment is bare-bones, there's a lot of stuff I have to reload to get back to "my" machine, but hot damn, I did it.

I torched two power supplies along the way. And apparently I'm going to need a power jumper of sorts, or perhaps I need to switch the PSs between their towers.

This has been a ROYAL pain in the ass, but it appears -- appears, mind -- that the very worst is over. And it took, oh, eight, nine days. I've lost count.

How the hellfire this crap became the dominant technology platform is a complete mystery.

Generally agreeable when it works, non-anesthetic self-dentistry when it doesn't.

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