Friday, April 03, 2009

Breakin' My Wand

In his 1988 Baseball Abstract, Bill James closed out the book and his long string of years of writing the annual Abstract with a wonderful essay entitled "Breakin' The Wand". It was his swansong, spelling out how he'd done all he'd hoped for with the Abstract, that it was a huge drain on him every winter, and he wanted to move on to other things. And so he has -- James continues to provide immensely entertaining and informative material about baseball and other, lesser subjects, and his direct efforts with the Boston Red Sox have helped bring about the 2004 and 2007 championships. It was sad to see the Abstract go, but he has hardly left the stage.

The time has come for me to break my own wand (though I draw no comparisons between myself and James; he's a baseball legend. I've learned a great deal from his works and could never thank him enough. I just like how he walked off that particular stage in subdued but undeniable style), that of being the Top Contributor to the Yahoo! Answers Baseball forum. I joined it nearly two years ago, and it has been a lot of fun. But all things pass in their turn, and the Y!AB forum is no longer a place I should be. I have need of some significant restructuring of my personal life, and while I still enjoy the forum, it is high atop the list of things that I need to push off my personal Cliffs of Insanity. Real baseball begins again on Sunday night, and that will be more than enough distraction, along with my fantasy team (where winning a single week will be more than fulfilling of any expectant fantasies involved).

So, I'm moving on. Probably not entirely, but mostly. I look forward to getting knocked out of the top slot on the Contributors scoreboard.

Lift high the torches, defend the faith, do not go quietly, begrudge every out given up, and lay off that outside slider.

And, play ball!


Scott said...

Chipmaker, sorry to see you go. Pretty impressive resume you have on yahoo answers. I recently started a blog all about baseball and proper instruction. I'm not going to spam on your blog with my site name, but I would love to do an interview with you before your farewell. I couldn't find another way to contact you other than to leave a comment...if you are interested, give me a shout at scottmschade at gmail dot com. cheers

GoBravos321(Nolan) said...

Congrats on all your accomplishments at yahoo answers, Chipmaker. You were truly a great and "top" contributor on the baseball forum. You will be sorely missed. Good luck on all your future endeavors.

Frizzer said...

Although we have never met in person I still consider you to be a friend. It is a friendship that is bound together through the love of the game of baseball. You are one of just a few, that have posted in the baseball section of Y/A, where I have taken the time to review all of your posts. I can only hope that the younger people that find their way to site will take the time to do the same. In doing so they will learn many things about the game and they will come to realize what it takes to be a truly dedicated fan of baseball. I wish you the best, I can now put my dictionary away, and I will keep in touch.

St. John Bosco (Harman) said...

Alas, it's time to bid farewell.

Mr. Chipmaker, thanks for the great answers and thanks for giving a dramatic insight on the game. You're alright in this teen's book.

May God Bless You as you go through this tunnel we call life.

Lloyd Christmas said...

“None are so empty as those who are full of themselves.” - Benjamin Whichcote

Anonymous said...

Who will be the pompous, condescending guy if you leave yahoo answers? You'll be back.

Hope this helps.

The Mick "7" said...

To a great contributor. You will be missed. I for one, have enjoyed your postings. You have given us all a great deal of knowledge about the game we all love. Wish we could have met but who knows, stranger things have happened.

Know that we will always refer to you text of information that will still remain.

I won't say good bye but rather, take care till we meet again.

Best of everything in life.

The Mick "7" (Phil Digristina)

Blue Eyed Angel said...

Chipmaker - you will be sorely missed on Y!A. I always held your baseball opinions in high esteem and will definitely miss seeing you around to put those annoying people in their place! Congrats on your accomplishments and best wishes to you in all your future endeavors...

Anonymous said...

why don't you just leave?