Saturday, August 09, 2008

The Road Trip, part 5

Day 4 -- Still in Monument

Monument was so relaxing that we decided to stay an extra day -- after all, we're on vacation, and our agenda is very loose at best. We took the kids to a local park for some climb-around time, and they loved it, like always. It wasn't a very big park but it had plenty of playscape structures, including a merry-go-round, which are getting harder to find every year.

Play carousel in the park. These are getting harder to find.

I did a short shopping run, which reminded me of two things -- one, prices in Colorado tend to be higher than at home (or maybe that's just Safeway's pricing for those who lack their affinity card), and two, airtight packages sealed at lower altitudes tend to inflate. Potato chip bags look like pillows.

Late in the afternoon, after the park visit, the clouds which had threatened and thundered for over a day finally broke loose the rain with a vengeance -- thick, torrential downpours, including some small hailstones. It was a very good soaking. Wish we'd get a bit more of that back in Austin.

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