Saturday, December 05, 2009

The Hall's 2010 Writers Ballot -- Wrap-up

Convenient links, since reading the reviews in order is nicer than scrolling down and then back up and so on.

Part 1 -- Alomar, Appier, Baines, Blyleven, Burks, Dawson, Galarraga, Hentgen, Jackson.
Part 2 -- Karros, Lankford, Larkin, Martinez, Mattingly, McGriff, McGwire, Morris, Murphy.
Part 3 -- Parker, Raines, Reynolds, Segui, Smith, Trammell, Ventura, Zeile.

Chipmaker's votes: Alomar, Blyleven, Larkin, Martinez, McGriff, McGwire, Murphy, Raines, Smith.


Alomar -- 50%.
Appier -- less than 10 votes, relegated.
Baines -- 5-6%, again.
Blyleven -- 69%. Dammit.
Burks -- relegated.
Dawson -- elected with 76%.
Galarraga -- relegated.
Hentgen -- less than 1%, relegated.
Jackson -- less than five votes, relegated.
Karros -- less than 2%, relegated.
Lankford -- a whisker over 5%. This is probably wrong.
Larkin -- 45%.
Martinez -- 30%.
Mattingly -- around 15%.
McGriff -- 40%.
McGwire -- 20-23% again.
Morris -- just over 50%.
Murphy -- 10-15%.
Parker -- 15-20%.
Raines -- around 40%. Probably a very high, wish-based prediction.
Reynolds -- one or zero votes, relegated.
Segui -- zero votes, relegated.
Smith -- 50%.
Trammell -- less than 20%, like always.
Ventura -- 10%.
Zeile -- less than 3%, relegated.

Voting results will be announced Wednesday, January 6, 2010, at 2:00 pm Eastern. Expect the announcement to post first on the Hall's website and the BBWAA's website, with perhaps a live cast on MLB Network.

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